Two book reviews

20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith and You Can If You Think You Can by Norman Vincent Peale.


20,000 Day and Counting
This is the second time I have read this book and I absolutely love it. It not only is a quick read, but it’s easy to go back and revisit sections because they are direct and to the point. Its a book you can literally read in a day and then go back for the next week and break down the parts to begin implementing what he practices on a daily basis. It is worth going back and making that effort to implement. The big picture that stood out to me was his intense focus on other people, and his love of laughter and enjoyment in life. Those two pieces alone make me want to revisit this book more than once a year so I can continually remind myself to practice these two pieces in my life.

There’s a chapter in this book that brings the whole book together and its by a simple statement; “If we learn how to die, we’ll know how to live; if we learn how to live, we’ll know how to die. Why not pledge to live better right now?”
It’s simple, its to the point, and once you read this chapter through those lenses, you begin to understand the importance of making people feel valued every single day, as well as understand your life purpose so you can live it every day of your life. Each day, is a day to be treasured, so treat it as such and never let a day go back without laughter and love being given to others.

you can

You Can If You Think You Can
This was an audio book I listened to, and I had to stop it many times to write down the quotes that were said. Here are some quotes from the book:
“You can’t be logical about something you have wanted your whole life.”
“It’s always too soon to quit. Quitting begins a habit of defeat.”
“Never despair, but if you do, work on in-despair.”
“If you start thinking your circumstance is hopeless, your state of mind will actually attract further trouble to defeat you.”
Need I say more? This audio was incredible, and clearly points out ones state of mind. I’m glad we have this as a audio book, because if our mindset needs a shift and we need to focus on something else, this will be a good book to listen to and in essence, turn that frown upside down.

2013 out with a BAM!

I love when moments in life catch you off guard. I love that moment when you think to yourself “wow, I did not see that coming.”, or “wow, I would have never guessed that, that was up His sleeve.” It’s in those moments where you can be reassured, someone has your back when you’ve told Him “I give it to you.”

Yesterday was a half day at work for me. I spent the last week coming in very few hours while the Doc was out of town to simply prepare the office for the new year. Yesterday while we were closing up, saying goodbye and see you next year, the Doc stopped and said “I have a couple things to tell you. First off,” he hands me folded up bills, “this is your end of the year bonus.”
I laugh and spout off “I haven’t even been here a whole year!” He shrugs his shoulders and continues further.
“Jackie and I have been talking and we have decided that this week will be your last week with Express. On Thursday we are going to talk to Kristin and see what we need to do to buy you out from Express and then you can start working for the Clinic Jan. 6th.”

Of course, I am still in shock with the fact that I was just handed potentially 100 or more dollars, but then to hear the closure coming to Express and another raise on the way. I could only smile in thinking about the conversation I had with Papa God just the day before. When he left the Clinic, I sat there for a moment, unsure of what positive emotion I was feeling at the time. The only thing I think of was to say, “Thank you Daddy. I didn’t see that one coming.” Then quickly got Jeff on the phone to tell him the news.

Now to this morning. I quite honestly can’t believe Jeff forgot to tell me about this, but after he leaves to go to work, I get a call from him. At first I was thinking he was telling me he gets to come home early today (yes I know, wishful thinking) but it was even better news.
“I can not believe I forgot to tell you this last night, but yesterday while at work, a Sherif came into the dealership asking for me.” Jeff begins.
“Yea, so he tells me that they found the Honda that was stolen…… it was in Louisiana.”
“Are you serious?!”
“YEA! I don’t know at the moment what the condition of the car is. I’m going to ask my boss once he gets here today, if he has gotten word on it.”
“Honestly…… that’s incredible. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it is perfectly fine and you can put it back on the lot.”
“At this point, I wouldn’t be either.”

While thinking, I should write down what an incredible feeling it was to end the year like that, I got a text from Jeff saying this:
“The stolen Honda was found in perfect condition with no scratches or dents. Just a few more miles. The Deputy said we could just pick it up and put it back on the lot. Wow!”

And wow is correct. I am so blown away at what happen for us on New Years Eve, and yet I feel it should have been expected. I believe this is a passing of the tide. Away with one season and the beginning of a new one.

I have been spending a lot of time this last week, reading blogs to prepare me as best as I can to the New Year, and asking a lot of questions. I want to be a better me this year and I want to get rid of some habits I know that need to go away. I am stepping into a year of finishing things that I start, and above all else, spending each day making sure I love more on others. All of those books I read last year won’t make as much of an impact as it could if I simply kept it all to myself. This year, I want to give my wisdom out, I want to stay a student of business and leadership, and I want to be obedient to the things I have heard spoken over me and my family. I have learned that if its in my heart to write it down and watch it come to pass, regardless of the time it does happen. I have learned that God’s timing is the ultimate timer. I have learned that people might see the flaws in me that I might be blind to, therefore, asking those I trust to be open with me is the quickest way to grow. I am always learning, always desiring more chances to grow and never looking back.

With 2013 going out with a bam, I am more determine to step into the season I feel is ahead of us. To begin to see the “more” I keep talking about beginning to happen.

To all my fellow bloggers, take some time today. Realize that 2014 wasn’t born last night at 12:01 a.m. It has been in the making for the last 18, 20, 25, 30, 40 years. This year is the harvest of every decision, choice, storm, tear, act of obedience, faith and love that you have made. Decide that 2014 will be the best for you and your family. The good news is that it doesn’t matter how your started 2014 at midnight. What matters is that when you finish reading this and begin living out your 2014. So what’s it going to look like for you and your family?

Be blessed, and take on this year with me. As one who is committed to my goals and purpose, there will be many more blog posts to come.
Happy New Year friends


“I know you know, but I need you to speak it”

This season is really doing a great number on me. The way I’m speaking is different, the way I’m thinking is different, my action and reaction is different. Sure, I will still be the first to say, I admit to a few close friends that its still hard, but I do my best not to sit in that perspective. Yesterday morning was a good example to me that I am growing. This season came for a reason.

Jeff and I knew we were getting paid at the end of this week and because of all of the “all of the sudden” trials we have been dealing with lately, we have been having to pay for those instead of our bills. Up until this point, I was fine, but I think I was also in denial because I didn’t want to write everything we owed on paper, because I didn’t want to see the reality. Still the time came, and we needed to prioritize.

We made up the list of what we could think of that we owed and with each thing we wrote down we realized each one was a priority. Which ones were we going to take on first?
Jeff made a few comments and then said “Even with this check being more, we still aren’t going to be able to pay it all.” Then decided he needed to shower and get ready for his day so he walked out of the room.

I sat there, with a moment of helplessness and frustration. Not because of the truth to what he said, but because he said it. In my mind I had already resolved that it was going to work out somehow and that this wasn’t going to be forever. All of this was only temporary. But for him to speak that? I finally couldn’t sit at the table any longer. I went downstairs into the bathroom where he was.

The sight of him just made me smile. Even though this is rough at moments and even if I get frustrated with him, I’m glad this journey is with him. I kissed him, got the courage and bravery I needed and spoke.
“Jeffrey, I know that in the physical right now, if we focus on the situation solely, this sucks. I agree with you and it feels hard. I also know that you believe in where we are headed and I know you believe that this is temporary. I know you know, but I need you to speak it. Because you speaking it is going remind me that I’m not the only one believing it. And you speaking it is going to remind us that it is only temporary, and help us get through the hard times. Will you do that for me?”
Immediately I saw a change in him. He also apologized, which I wasn’t expecting him to do. But I think he realized his attitude did not match our belief. When he got out of the shower and got dressed he came back upstairs and could not stop talking about all of the things that popped into his head to show him that this really is only temporary. He walked out the door to work with afresh new look on where we were. And I was proud.

Had we not gone through everything we have faced in the last 2 months, I’m not sure how quick I would have been to do that. I might have mustered up the courage sometime to speak my mind. But now I’m just blunt about it. I understand the power of our tongues and I don’t want to get bent out of shape on a “battle” when we should keep in mind that we win the “war”. Even now, writing all of this just reaffirms we are going to make it.

I’m believing in where we are headed. I have faith in it. I also know its going to take action. I also know its going to be hard work.

But my family is worth it. Our kids are worth it. Whether they call me step mom or mom, they are worth it. My husband is worth it. My purpose in life is worth it. I will go through whatever I need to if that means God is planning my steps and with me through it all. Its worth it and that’s a change. I even caught myself the other day singing this song:
“I don’t understand your ways. Oh but I will give you my song. I give you all of my praise. You hold on to all my pain and with it you are pulling me closer and pulling me into your ways…..It’s gonna be worth it. It’s gonna be worth it. It’s gonna be worth it all. I believe it.”

I honestly, can’t remember the last time I heard that song, but I love how God brings things to mind when we need them the most and he does it with music for me a lot!

So is this season worth it? Yes, because I am growing so much. What’s most important to me right now is that each day I become greater than I was the day before.

Oh so something else that has happen since the last time I have written. Let me start out by saying yet again that God is good. Friday I went with a friend up to Spokane for a Ladies event, so we got to talk for a good 3 hours on the way up. It was good, because we don’t get that opportunity a lot. I filled her in on a few of the things going on and all of the trials we have been facing. Keep in mind this is the friend that was doing her talk at the event on adversity. She shared with me more of her and her husbands story that I did not know before. She also told me about what happened as soon as the adversity ended.
“Our business exploded. It was crazy to us, but we hadn’t done anything for months because we were working so hard to get through everything that hit in our family and then right after Success School we were consistently hitting 3,000-4,000 dollars a month with our business.”

Now, I’m not saying that I KNOW that is going to happen to our business, but what I am saying is I understand what she means. I’m watching the seeds we planted in people grow. I’m watching friends of ours take off and give the hope and dreams we planted in them to their friends now. Everything is still going on even without us. And though its hard financially for us right now, we KNOW what’s around the corner.
That was one way God reminded us whose really in charge of the situation.

Then, next time Jeff was at work, Saturday I believe, he sends me a picture of a quote he saw. It read “When everything seems to be going against you, remember always that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” -Henry Ford.

AMEN! That same day my friend that I went to Spokane with, sent me this quote that she saw. It read “Adversity and trials are part of life. And you can either let them bury you or you can let them STRENGTHEN YOU!” -Dani Johnson.

Again, AMEN! And THEN, we watched our favorite church online Sunday morning, and boy was it dead on! Here’s a preview of the message. I can honestly say it is one of the best perspectives I have ever heard. And it’s so good for anyone going through hard times in their life that may leave, shall we say, a scar.

That message rocked my world and I might even write a review on it later because I think it will help me remember the power in some of the things he said.

So what has this last week been for the Wheeler family? A reminder of why we are going through all of this, many talks and signs of hope, encouragement to keep going, and proof that everything we have been going through is leaving a positive mark on us. I am blessed to know this and excited to see how this season will shape our future.

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”                   -Philippians 3:13&14

Through every hardship you face. Everything you wish you didn’t have to go through, forget what is behind and push ahead. Don’t turn to look back, keep your eyes on the prize.
It’s gonna be worth it all. I believe it.

A fresh start

I want to lay a lot of things out this morning, because I am declaring that today is a new day and the start of a new beginning.

My husband and I pick up his mustang yesterday. After a month of it not working, they finally found the simple problem. Get this- it didn’t require buying any new parts (though through this time Jeff did get a lot of things that needed fixed in the vehicle fixed, because he thought they were the problem). No something got loose in the carburetor and that’s why the mustang wasn’t wanting to start. Crazy huh?

I saw that as a turning point. Sure the van wheel that we just got put on, is loose and is going to be fixed today. Sure, yesterday Jeff’s check was incorrect and we didn’t get as much as we expected. BUT, I am declaring that we are coming on the other side of this. Because I feel this way today, I want to get some personal goals back in check.

This last month due to everything going on:
– We ate pizza twice for dinner and other nights it was quick fix meals, such as box dinners that I haven’t had since I was a kid (P.s- that may seems normal in some families, but in ours, we never do that).
-Exercising has gone out the window because I haven’t had enough time since all of the “all the sudden” events we have had.
-My reading both in the Bible and in Leadership books have been nonexistent. Again, no time for them and by the end of the night sleep is the only thing I want to tackle.
-Our business has been put on hold. No time lately and by the end of the night we realize we didn’t get to it.
-My work, period has been delayed every single day. Due to multiple different reasons.
-Cleaning has kind of gotten done. But sometimes when I have a spare moment I have chosen to do something mindless like play a game, instead of mindlessly clean or folding laundry.

All that to be said, I’m a little ashamed of my choices. I know that we have been through a lot in the last 5 weeks BUT, I can still do better. Time to get my daily routine back in check. And if that means going to bed late, waking up early, taking Max E and drinking lots of Advocare Spark throughout the day, than so be it.

72 day challenge continue to flow through my mind today. So I’m taking that as a hint. The beginning of this year, after I had Jonathan, I put myself on a 72 day challenge. Advocare had this challenge for fitness purposes, but I also chose to do it and add focus with personal growth and getting back on track with everything else. While at the same time learning to have a baby in my life. Now I’m thinking I need to do another to head out of 2013 with a bang!

I already checked the date and if I started it today, I would be ending it on December 1st. What if, I put my blinders on for 72 days and work hard each day? By Christmas season, what if I would be down 10-15 more pounds, got my toning back, got work back on track, tackle more debt, have a better vehicle (I don’t want to drive this van forever. We after all, just sold my Toyota because it died on us), accomplish my goal of 30 books in a year, found better quick and healthy ideas for dinners, got ourselves back up to making 2,000 part-time with our business AND gave the family a better Christmas than what they had last year? What if? What if I only accomplish half of my goals, would it still be worth it.

Absolutely =D

So right now I’m going to make a list of things I want, and things I’m willing to sacrifice to get them. Who knows, maybe my next entry, I will give you an idea of my commitment to these next 72 days. All I know is, if nothing changes, nothing changes. And something needs to change =)

Daughter of the Most High